Eat Club

Brand refresh
Eat Club is an office lunch delivery program that allows employees to pick their own meals. We came up with a branding system that included a global brand along with localized logos in different cities to highlight the very personal aspect of the company. The main logo was inspired by the shape of a delivery box. By interlocking a flag shape to that, we created location specific logos.
Lunch Guru Campaign
The Lunch Guru is a character created for Eat Club's launch in Los Angeles. Playing up the cultish food fads of LA, the guru's sole purpose in life is to make eating at work more fulfilling. He believes a good lunch can make anyone happier and more productive.
He shared his lunch wisdom via youtube videos, social posts and paid digital media–all driving to a landing page that beckons sad desk lunch eaters to follow his path to a more enlightened work lunch experience: Eat Club.
Agency: Teak
Creative Director: Kevin Gammon
Design Director: Paul Rogers
Design Team: Angela May Chen, Farid Safaie